Tutankhamun was a pharaoh of Egyptian family of eighteen in the history of ancient Egypt, and Pharaoh of Egypt of 1334 to 1325 BC. M. In the era of the modern state. Tutankhamun is the most famous pharaohs, for reasons not related to the achievements made or won by wars, as is the case with many of the Pharaohs; but for other reasons are important, historically it is the most important discovery of his tomb and treasures in full without any damage. The mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death that many considered the death of Pharaoh at a very early age is not unusual, especially with the presence of traces of a broken thigh bone and skull, and the marriage of his minister from his widow after his death, declaring himself Pharaoh
Tutankhamun was 9 years old when he became pharaoh of Egypt and his name in ancient Egyptian means "the living image of the god Amun", the chief gods of ancient Egyptian. Tutankhamun lived in a transitional period in the history of ancient Egypt, where he came after Akhenaten, who tried to unite the gods of ancient Egypt in the form of the one God on Sunday. It was in his return to the worship of multiple gods of ancient Egypt. His tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings by the British archaeologist Howard Carter. This discovery and the latest media frenzy and widespread in the world
The origins of Tutankhamun's grandfather, King the third, who had major wives Queen Tiye his son Amenhotep IV, known as Akhenaten, married Akhenaten Queen Nefertiti and his wife was the main addition to a secondary wife named Kiya; and which is probably the mother of Tutankhamun, has announced Supreme Council of Antiquities said in April 2010 that, based on DNA tests for short DNA to show that Tutankhamun was the son of King Akhenaten.
Ang Amon Tut died in mysterious circumstances and unknown, to govern after his minister and former Aye, who married Ammon's widow, Essen Tutankhamun
There is a belief that the death of Tutankhamun was not for reasons of illness, but may be a result of the assassination of the Minister . It is worth noting that the historical evidence indicates the presence of ministers of Tutankhamun either of them that were mentioned and the other was named Horemheb There is archaeological evidence confirms that after the death of Tutankhamun, received the Minister Aye reins of power for a short period to be replaced by the Second Minister of Horemheb, who was in his destruction of most of the evidence of the reign of Tutankhamun and Aye and the minister confirm this for some conspiracy theory and the fact that the death of Tutankhamun from malaria that was prevalent in the south

Causes of death
said archaeologist of Egypt, Zahi Hawass, that there was no evidence that Tutankhamun had been subjected to the assassination and added that the hole in the skull does not belong to the cause received a blow on the head as it was previously thought, but were the events of this slot after death for the purpose of embalming and the ills of Zahi Hawass, the fraction in the bone left thigh, which has long been linked to the theory of the assassination as a result of a broken thigh bone suffered Tutankhamun before his death and may have inflammation resulting from This break may have caused his death.
The final report of the Group of archaeologists of Egypt that the cause of death was blood poisoning as a result of fracture in the femur in which he was Tutankhamun, which led to is a cell death and tissue degradation as a result of secretion of enzymes from the muscles of dead due to lack of oxygen to the blood .
said archaeologist of Egypt, Zahi Hawass, that there was no evidence that Tutankhamun had been subjected to the assassination and added that the hole in the skull does not belong to the cause received a blow on the head as it was previously thought, but were the events of this slot after death for the purpose of embalming and the ills of Zahi Hawass, the fraction in the bone left thigh, which has long been linked to the theory of the assassination as a result of a broken thigh bone suffered Tutankhamun before his death and may have inflammation resulting from This break may have caused his death.
The final report of the Group of archaeologists of Egypt that the cause of death was blood poisoning as a result of fracture in the femur in which he was Tutankhamun, which led to is a cell death and tissue degradation as a result of secretion of enzymes from the muscles of dead due to lack of oxygen to the blood .
Causes of death
said archaeologist of Egypt, Zahi Hawass, that there was no evidence that Tutankhamun had been subjected to the assassination and added that the hole in the skull does not belong to the cause received a blow on the head as it was previously thought, but were the events of this slot after death for the purpose of embalming and the ills of Zahi Hawass, the fraction in the bone left thigh, which has long been linked to the theory of the assassination as a result of a broken thigh bone suffered Tutankhamun before his death and may have inflammation resulting from This break may have caused his death.
The final report of the Group of archaeologists of Egypt that the cause of death was blood poisoning as a result of fracture in the femur in which he was Tutankhamun, which led to is a cell death and tissue degradation as a result of secretion of enzymes from the muscles of dead due to lack of oxygen to the blood .

In a study published in March 2010 showed that the cause of death of Tutankhamun is suffering from malaria and complications from a broken leg, the study also pointed to the existence of some genetic diseases caused by inherited genetic defect in the family.
said archaeologist of Egypt, Zahi Hawass, that there was no evidence that Tutankhamun had been subjected to the assassination and added that the hole in the skull does not belong to the cause received a blow on the head as it was previously thought, but were the events of this slot after death for the purpose of embalming and the ills of Zahi Hawass, the fraction in the bone left thigh, which has long been linked to the theory of the assassination as a result of a broken thigh bone suffered Tutankhamun before his death and may have inflammation resulting from This break may have caused his death.
The final report of the Group of archaeologists of Egypt that the cause of death was blood poisoning as a result of fracture in the femur in which he was Tutankhamun, which led to is a cell death and tissue degradation as a result of secretion of enzymes from the muscles of dead due to lack of oxygen to the blood .

In a study published in March 2010 showed that the cause of death of Tutankhamun is suffering from malaria and complications from a broken leg, the study also pointed to the existence of some genetic diseases caused by inherited genetic defect in the family.
The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
Valley of the Kings
The so-called Valley of the Kings, located on the west bank of the River Nile near Thebes for a period of 450 years during the era of the modern history of the ancient Egyptians, which lasted of 1539 to 1075 BC as a tomb for the pharaohs of this period as there is in this valley rock, which has an area of approximately 20,000 square meters 27 royal tombs belonging to three families, the family and the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty Nineteenth and Twentieth Egyptian family was discovered to this day
The main shrine of the tomb of Tutankhamun
In the November 4, 1922 when he was an archaeologist and specialist in the history of ancient Egypt, the British Howard Carter, the excavations at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the tomb of Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings noticed a basement large and continued exploration flour to be entered into the room, which includes the tomb of Tutankhamun, and was on the walls of the room which contains the shrine fees great tells the form of pictures the story of the departure of Tutankhamun to the world of the dead and the scene was very good for the world of Howard Carter, who was seen to the room through a hole in his hand a candle and said to his assistant asked him, "Can you see anything?" Carter "Yes, I see great things."
The main shrine of the tomb of Tutankhamun
In the November 4, 1922 when he was an archaeologist and specialist in the history of ancient Egypt, the British Howard Carter, the excavations at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the tomb of Ramses VI in the Valley of the Kings noticed a basement large and continued exploration flour to be entered into the room, which includes the tomb of Tutankhamun, and was on the walls of the room which contains the shrine fees great tells the form of pictures the story of the departure of Tutankhamun to the world of the dead and the scene was very good for the world of Howard Carter, who was seen to the room through a hole in his hand a candle and said to his assistant asked him, "Can you see anything?" Carter "Yes, I see great things."

Collection of Tutankhamun's tomb
The Ministry of Tourism Allowing the Pharaonic mummy of King Tutankhamun, the young man to the public for the first time since its discovery with the golden tomb in Luxor 85 years ago.
Archaeologists have tried in recent years uncovered the mystery behind how the death of the young pharaoh, who was believed to be the ruling family of the 12 pharaonic the 18 and ascended to the throne, the ruler of ancient Egypt at the age of no more than eight years.
And excluded the results of medical examination to be young pharaoh had died were killed, but could not determine the precise method of his death, which occurred in 1323 BC.
The treasures of Tutankhamun

Inside Tutankhamen tomb